Advocacy and policy news for internists

AMA Adopts PCMH Joint Principles

The American Medical Association House of Delegates voted at its Interim meeting in Nov. to join ACP and three other members of organized medicine to adopt joint principles of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH). The Joint Principles statement is a 2007 document produced by the ACP, AAP, AAFP and AOA. An AMA editorial dated Dec. 8 gives further support.

One of the most controversial issues involved the Doctor of Nursing degree and supervision of nurse practitioners. The House of Delegates adopted a resolution to preserve the integrity of the physician licensure process and to develop model state legislation. The AMA will report in June on a study to determine a limit on how many nurse practitioners may safely be supervised by a single physician.

An analysis of alternative Medicare physician payment methodologies was provided. It included a section on the medical home. While there was only discussion at this meeting, a report with recommendations will be submitted in June.

Also at the AMA meeting, ACP testified in favor of a report on comparative effectiveness and the need for cost to be a factor. ACP produced a report on the topic last May.

December 2, 2008